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  • KG Group Education

協助孩子建立信心的8個步驟 | 8 steps to building confidence in your child

  1. Show your love Your child needs to feel secure and accepted to equip themselves with enough confidence not only to survive but also to thrive.

  2. Nurture their special interest Developing a special skill will give your child a passion for learning and pride in their expertise, which will lead to success in other areas of their life

  3. Give praise when praise is due (but don’t praise everything) Give positive feedback to your child when they have earned it as they will measure their worth and achievements by what you think. Praising effort is often more important than praising result – reassure them that it's fine not to be able to do everything perfectly, as long as they have tried their best. Don’t reward laziness or lack of effort as this can negate the value of your feedback

  4. Instill independence and adventure Encourage your child to try new things, whether it's a task, activity, or game, without the fear of failure. This will expand your child's imagination and build confidence in their ability to handle new situations.

  5. Promote problem solving Don’t solve all your child’s problems for them. When your child is faced with frustrating situations, it can be a great opportunity for them to face challenges, find solutions to the problem, and develop their confidence, accomplishment, and competence in resolving the situation. Just provide advice and support along the way.

  6. Giving your child responsibilities This helps your child feel more valuable and helps them focus their energy into positive behaviour and cooperation.

  7. Set rules and be consistent Your child will be more confident when they know who is in charge and what the boundaries are. Learning and following rules gives children a sense of security and confidence in following actions, tasks, and instructions.

  8. Be a confident role model As a parent your child looks up to you for guidance, love, and nurturing. If you behave confidently, your child will observe and imitate the way you handle emotions, difficult situations, and life experiences – and that will reflect on their own self-confidence in the world as they develop from child to adult.

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